You can build conversational flows to guide user conversations towards desired goals to assist your bot users better. Choose from several interactive elements to create a great experience for your chatbot users.

To use this functionality:

  1. Select Build > Paths. Already two paths are present here by default:
  2. Welcome Path – This path sends a default Welcome Message to all the users who use the chat bot for the very first time.
  3. Greet returning user –  This path sends a default Welcome Back Message to all the returning users, whenever they say hi, hello, etc.
  4. Click on + Create Path to add a new path. Add Path name.
  5. Once you create a Path, you can see this button, using which you can add nodes –

Invoking a Path upon launch

Using Lead Robot’s advanced path builder, you can invoke different path flows based on where the user is on your website. Use cases could include guiding the user to the right conversation path based on the language they have selected on your website, or perhaps based on the product category page they invoke the chatbot from.

For example, if you have your page in two different languages, say* and*, you can build out the flows for English and German in separate paths.

 And when you put the script in the respective pages, you can modify the part of the script (welcome_msg:true) for these pages with (launch_flow:“<flowkey>“) where <flowkey> is the flow key for the starting path for your language flow.

If the flow key of the start part for English is “97C457E42D124160B9701AE122951010” and for German it is “74692FF8041E4BD083C240A961DBE6E9″, then the script for* would be launch_flow:“97C457E42D124160B9701AE122951010”, while that for* will be launch_flow:“74692FF8041E4BD083C240A961DBE6E9″.